24 Day Challenge

1 Oct

October Challenge

So today marks the first day of the 24 Day Challenge I’m doing with a few people at my box! Some of us are doing the Advocare Challenge and some are just doing strict paleo for twenty four days; I will be doing paleo. Whoever loses the most body fat (percentage) wins. I just put in my weight, measurements, and percentages and I’m excited to ‘drop a pumpkin’. The leader of the challenge sent us a message today to get in our last cheat meal before tomorrow and I happily obliged. My boyfriend and I went to our favorite burger place and I had a burger and fries for time. So after we got back I prepped for the week; cutting up chicken and packing it and also making quinoa for a few meals.

I feel like this wont be too difficult because I’ll have a few others doing this with me! But this will also be more fun because there will be a prizes to whoever wins! So not only will you lose weight but you will get a canister of Advocare Spark Pre-workout, a speed rope, $25 Jason’s Deli gift card, and a paleo cook book. I’m usually not one to be competitive but this prize is right up my ally! We also have a team name for our challenge; Team Bacon.

Killer WODFOAM ROLLER, STAT! I did this WOD Sunday and my body is still so sore. I did 25lb kettle bell swings and 75lb front squats. My glutes and quads are still feeling every minute of it. I was not able to WOD today because of the soreness, but probably should have gone due to the amazing cheat meal. Today I’m going to my first Oly Lifting class at my box and I’m beyond excited. As my time at CrossFit progresses I am growing to love olympic lifting. It tests me mentally and physically and I love the feeling of hitting a PR. Lifting weights has also given me more definition which is always a plus.

2 Responses to “24 Day Challenge”

  1. Lil Mama October 1, 2013 at 3:47 pm #

    Yay Paleo cook book! I got “practical paleo” a few weeks ago and I LOVE IT. There’s a lot of techy nutrition stuff that I ignore, but the recipes are awesome and so so easy to make. and have fun during Oly class! Once I started going, even though it wasn’t as regularly as i would have like to go, my power snatch went from 60 to 85# within a couple months, and my clean form has really improved. After this weekend we’re doing with traveling for the rest of the year so I hope to make it 2-3x a month.

    • carlygatta October 2, 2013 at 10:13 pm #

      I know! I want a paleo cook book soo bad so I’m getting strict with my eating so I can win, haha! I’ll have to look up Practical Paleo, I’m always in need of new recipes seeing as I make the same thing all the time.
      The Oly class was a lot of fun! I realized my snatch form was awful. I’m hoping to get #85 soon, only got up to #70 for squat snatch.
      Have fun traveling! I’m jealous 😉

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